At present in the work of non-taxable income there are people still exist in the financial bill payment inconvenience, big workload for examination, financial department regulatory problems such as incomplete in place. 目前在非税收入收缴管理工作中仍存在有群众缴款不便、财政票据缴验工作量大、财政部门监管未完全到位等问题。
Chapter four makes a futher elaboration of government non-taxable income evaluation system and feasible empirical study. 第四章对上一章设计的政府非税收入征管绩效评价体系进行了进一步的阐述和可行性的实证研究。
The substance of non-taxable income performance evaluation is to make objective measurement and comprehensive evaluation on the behavioural process of non-taxable income by utilizing scientific evaluation indicator and reasonable evaluation criteria. 非税收入绩效评价的实质,就是运用科学、规范的评价指标和合理的评价标准,对非税收入的行为过程及其效果进行客观、公正的衡量比较和综合评判。
The third chapter designs the domestic government non-taxable income evaluation system and put forward the theory of it on the basis of previous study and comparison of both domestic and overseas. 第三章在以往研究和国内外对比分析的基础上,对我国政府非税收入征管绩效评价体系进行了设计,提出了一套政府非税收入征管绩效评价体系。